The statistics are startling:

1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. The numbers add up to 60 million Americans. The incidence of sexual abuse of minors is a figure bigger than any epidemic. Alarmingly, only 10% of victims will ever tell their story to another person and a fraction of these crimes will ever be reported to the police. Most people suffer in silence and secrecy, left to deal with the aftermath alone, which can include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug and alcohol abuse and suicidal thoughts. It is only when a sexual abuse victim shares their story with another individual that the wall of silence can crumble and the healing can begin.

By visiting, you have already taken the most important and courageous step of all, acknowledging your pain and reaching out for help.

We are here to share resources for legal, emotional and financial support.

We are here to share your journey. On the Road to Recovery, you are in charge. We are your advocate, providing you with support, guidance and options, but you are always in control.

Call or text (862) 368-2800 24/7 or send us a message below. All calls and messages are confidential. You need not give any personal information.

We have successfully walked thousands on their journey to a better place.

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