Every January for many years, Bishop Edgar da Cunha has taken vacations in Brazil.  He spends the entire month there. When he was an auxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, he spent the whole month of January in Brazil, and he has continued the same tradition in the Diocese of Fall River, MA.  I wonder how much his month-long vacations have cost the Catholics of the Newark, NJ, Archdiocese and the Fall River, MA, Diocese?

While Bishop da Cunha vacations in the warmth and comfort of the Brazilian weather, three clergy sexual abuse victims who were promised settlements of claims against Fr. Edward Byington, Fr. Gilbert Simoes, and Fr. Gerard Boisvert, have attempted to survive through the cold and dampness of New England, serious trauma, and its many effects.

Approximately 6 months ago, three innocent male childhood clergy sexual abuse victims were promised settlements by the Diocese of Fall River, MA.  The cold, callous behavior of Bishop da Cunha ever since rubs salt in the wounds and trauma of innocent victims. 


A demonstration in the freezing cold juxtaposing the coldness of Fall River, MA, and Bishop da Cunha, with the warmth Bishop da Cunha should be expressing for the 3 men he made a promise to.  How callous it was that Bishop da Cunha left for Brazil without finalizing the settlements of the 3 men.  We should not be surprised, however, because that is how the Catholic Church treats clergy sexual abuse victims


Friday, February 3, 2023, from 11:30 am until 12:45 pm (Before and after the Noon Mass)


On the public sidewalk outside the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, 327 Second Street, Fall River, MA 02721


Robert M. Hoatson, Ph.D., President and Co-founder of Road to Recovery, Inc.  He is a former priest of the Newark, NJ, Archdiocese, and he dealt with the cold-heartedness of Bishop Edgar da Cunha  in Newark, NJ.  He was fired from his ministry because he dared to help victims of clergy sexual abuse.


See above


Robert M. Hoatson, Ph.D., 862-368-2800

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption