Pope Francis’ visit to Canada to “apologize” to Indigenous people for enduring the Catholic Church’s destruction of children’s, teenagers, and vulnerable adults’ minds and bodies is too little, too late, and nothing but a public relations ploy to cover-up the depths of the corruption, secrecy, and hypocrisy of the Catholic Church
The recent call of the Bishop of Syracuse, New York, Douglas Lucia, for the Pope to meet with him regarding the history of Papal pronouncements which created the scandals and crises among Indigenous peoples over centuries is skeptically laudable, but the answer of Church authorities always is one of verbiage, and not action. Words mean nothing if they are not backed up by action.
A demonstration calling on all peoples not to be deceived by Pope Francis’ and Syracuse, New York, Bishop Douglas Lucia’s hollow attempts at reconciliation and forgiveness during the Papal trip to Canada. Pope Francis, Bishop Lucia and all Bishops must stop giving speeches and:
Release all files and information about the violent residential homes that Indigenous persons were subjected to for centuries in many countries, not just Canada, by a Catholic Church that ruled by intimidation, fear, and abuse of power;
Immediately provide reparations to Indigenous persons and all persons who were sexually, verbally, psychologically, and spiritually abused by Catholic Popes, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Monsignors, Priests, and Deacons, as well as Religious Brothers, Sisters, and Nuns throughout the world
Publicly list all names of sexual and physical abusers and their supervisors
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 11:30 am
On the public sidewalk outside the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 259 Onondaga Street, Syracuse, New York 13202
Robert M. Hoatson, Co-founder and President of Road to Recovery, Inc., which has advocated for justice on behalf of Native Americans; and Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, Boston, MA, who will appear by Zoom. Please see instructions for Zoom participation below.
(See Above)
Robert M. Hoatson, Ph.D., Road to Recovery, Inc. – 862-368-2800 – roberthoatson@gmail.com
Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, Boston, MA – (office – 617-523-6250); (cell – 617-388-5252)
(Portrayed by actor Stanley Tucci in the 2016 Academy Award-winning Best Picture, “Spotlight”)
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